"Who Else Want to Beat The Resolutions Blues By Losing Weight, Stopping Smoking Or Destroy Negative Habits? Then Come Join Me On Monday January 4th To Celebrate World Hypnotism Day In Ottawa !"
Proceeds to go to the Ottawa Food Bank
As featured on CTV's Morning Live:
International Clinical Hypnotist Dr. Luke Michael Howard and owner of Lukenosis will help you toSTOP SMOKING, LOSE WEIGHT or Destroy NEGATIVE HABITS Easily using the tremendous power of your mind during this 60 minute group seminar.
The Village Clinic361 Churchill Ave. North, Ottawa, ON K1Z 5C4
Monday 4th January 2016
What Is Hypnosis Ottawa 6pm
Stop Smoking Ottawa 7pm
Weight Control Ottawa 8pm
TICKETS ARE JUST: $49.97 for any single session $69.97 for any two sessions or $99.94 for all three sessions. Until Sunday January 3rd at 11.59pm - BOOK NOW!
Only 2 seats left!
Register Here:
Hypnosis Groups
Then email mail@lukenosis.com which session(s) you would like to attend. Strictly first come first served.
All sales are final! Please read our terms or service. http://www.lukenosis.com/Terms-Of-Use-and-Service%282229131%29.htm