Why Don't Client's Change? Pattern #1 Part 4
Alright, enough speaking. Let me give you some
practical stuff. The first pattern, the first
pattern I see in clients is what we call in the
patterns of chronicity is the 3 stage abreaction.
Now I don't see all five of these patterns with
every client, but I'll definitely see three
or four and a high percentage of them I will see five.
So some of these you're going to identify and
you're going to know another one. You're going
to be like, I'm not quite sure if I've seen that
Luke, but the first one I see almost all the time
is the 3 step Abreaction and it goes a
bit like this. Before client comes to see me,
they're filled out a big screening form, all
right, so I've seen if that's the kind of person
I want to work with. Also, I've done a screening
telephone call. I spoke to him for an hour for
free to make sure that I can help them, and they're
going to be a good client. So I already know before
I've taken any money if I can help them or not.
And if I can't help him, I'm going to respectfully decline.
I only want to work with people that I think I'm
going to have some kind of agency, some kind
of influence in a positive way to help them.
So three- step abreaction. It goes a bit like this.
This is how you can identify it, and it's a technique
clients will use most of the time, unconsciously,
to manipulate us, to pull us into their victim story.
And I'm not suggesting that they're doing it consciously.
Oftentimes they're not even aware of it. But
this is one of the underpinned, structured
structures that keep their problem in place.
So it goes a bit like this client shows up 15 minutes late.
For the session. Hey, John. What happened? Ohh Luke
Yeah, I don't wanna talk about it. That's the
first stage. I don't wanna talk about it. Yeah,
but we need a four hour to do all the work and to
do good quality work here. So I'm just curious what happened.
Look I told you I don't wanna talk about. I'm
getting angry. Second stage, they get angry emotion.
They've given us a warning and unconscious
warning the first time. Don't want to talk about it.
Second stage is some emotion starts to get into it.
Now, if you keep pushing at this point, yeah,
but we really need the hour. What was more important
than working on your sobriety? Listen, I told
you, don't keep talking about. You're making me angry.
Listen, if you keep talking about, I'm gonna leave.
Or I'm going to throw that water on you. Or I'm
going to get really, really, really angry and
upset with you. And this happens in a lot of areas
because I would find often times if I hit a nerve
in the session, it was almost like this particular
pattern was a way to that they felt to preserve themselves.
But oftentimes our clients, and again not consciously
but unconsciously, they've learned a certain
set of behaviours to control or manipulate
situations around them. And they may have learned
it just because they wanted to feel more safety
or security and it may have served them at some point.
But when it comes to change work, therapy, whatever
you want to call the kind of work that we do, it's not good.
So when I would work with a lot of other hypnotists
and healers, they would be scared. They'd be
scared to challenge their client because they
didn't want to break rapport, right? We're
always told we've got to have a rapport with
our clients to get change, and if I if I challenge
them too much on this issue, it's going to break report.
Also, we live in a society now where everyone's
leaving reviews all the time and you could do
great work, but if you get a shitty review it
can hurt your business, right? So now you want
to be authentic, but you also don't want to push
it too hard. Because you don't want to get a bad
review, so then you stop. We're coming in at
100% and you start operating at about 50% because
you're scared if you actually challenge them,
it's gonna break report and they're not gonna
like you anymore. I realized a long time ago
it's OK to piss people off and get quite comfortable
at pissing people off because my intention
was always to help them. And if I had to metaphorically
slap them to get that change because that's
what they were paying me for, then that's what
I was gonna do. Cause I realized by playing small,
by playing soft and not bringing something
up, because that wasn't the issue that they
came with then I wasn't really serving them.
And then I would have these battles. Yeah, you
know what I see that pattern, that free stage abreaction.
If I don't nuke it, if I don't deal with it. Now,
this has the potential to derail this whole session.
This work, they're not gonna change. And guess
what? They're not gonna take responsibility.
That's another pattern we'll talk about in
a little bit. But they're going to blame me.
So I'd have to call it out straight away. And
I'm going to tell you a little bit later on about
how I call that out, but that's the first pan
anyone ever experienced that of the client
any does that ring true for anyone, anyone ever
identified? Yeah, a few people, fair enough.
And that's just the way that you see it. But there's
other ways you might see it, but it's generally.
I don't like what you're doing to me. Stop. And
we're not talking about you doing so bad to them.
But it's again, a control mechanism. Second
one, I told you, if you keep doing that, it's
gonna make me really upset and I'm gonna cry.
So stop asking me those difficult questions,
alright? Because I'm. I'm gonna cry. All right,
listen, I'm upset. Stop asking me about. I'm
gonna cry and I'm gonna leave out. I'm gonna
leave you a bad review as well. Three stage
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