A Roadmap For Sleep Today
By Luke Michael Howard
Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist
It should be the most natural thing in the world…
but sometimes falling asleep can feel like an impossible task
We are coping today with big changes in the way we live our lives
If the brain senses a threat to survival, the stress response is increased
readying us for fight-or-flight
Your body wants to sleep
But your mind has other plans
Stress can cause a loss of sleep,
or fitful sleep with more intense and emotional dreams
Our sleep naturally gets lighter when we are anxious
Try these FIVE hints for a calmer mind
and enjoy a better night’s sleep, today
1 Limit news intake and avoid your mobiles and tablets at for least an hour before bed
Do something to boost your mood before bed
- a humorous television programme or an uplifting podcast can help you sleep
2 Have structure to your day
Our brains and bodies love structure
Wake, exercise, eat and sleep at similar times each day
3 Focus on your breathing
Think about resting rather than sleeping.
Follow your breathing by silently whispering the words ‘in’ and ‘out’ to induce sleep
4 Learn to relax
Relaxation can switch off the stress response, physically and mentally
Find something that works for you - mindfulness meditation
and progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing or a long hot bath
5. If you can’t sleep - get out of bed
Your bed should not be a battleground
Enjoy the sensation of merely resting.
If you are not sleeping well - and traditional treatments are not working
hypnosis can help you get the sleep you deserve
Hypnosis can help many forms of insomnia
Hypnosis uses different approaches to induce relaxation
such as focused attention, symptom control, and guided imagery
Sleep hypnosis provides a roadmap for sleep preparation
Hypnosis can help you overcome bedtime restlessness
It can help you unwind can lead the way to a deep, restorative sleep
Message Me today
And let the changes begin!
Always Believe
Luke xXx