The Hypnosis Show #12 January: How To Stop 🛑 Smoking 🚬

The Hypnosis Show #12


One, two, one two. It's Wednesday and you know that means hello and welcome to the hypnosis show live on whatever platform you are watching me on every Wednesday for this month I'm going to help you to become an on smoker if that's your go whether it's you're smoking cigarettes whether it's you vape uh whether it's you smoke a pipe or something else if you want to truly use january use this new year to become a non-smoker and every wednesday I'm going to be here for you sharing my twenty five years of experience in helping people become non-smokers and be sharing with you valuable tips and motivations and true stories on how to do this as well So as mentioned right now, it is the new year. Let me talk to you. Hello, I'm Luke Michael Howard, clinical hypnotist and owner of Luke Gnosis Hypnosis here. So how these things work is I'm going to share techniques and stories and so forth with you. But it really works. really well if you join in so you'll probably see like a little comments button below you somewhere as he's pointing down and if you've got any questions about me about what I do about how to quit smoking cigarettes how to stop vaping uh or doing any of that kind of business the e-cigarettes also um then please um put some comments below for some questions if you're watching this live good evening if you're watching this after the fact you can still leave comments below uh and at least once a day I will endeavor to get back to them and answer those questions uh at the moment we're live on facebook uh multiple pages uh instagram twitch x What's that other one? Oh, yeah, LinkedIn and TikTok as well. And if you see me looking up like this right now, it means I'm talking to the people on TikTok because I need a separate camera. And if you see me looking down right now, it means I'm specifically talking to everyone else. So here, do you feel more connected to me, TikTok people? And here, if I look at you right now, do you feel more connected to me, every other social media platform person? So if you see me doing this, and this is because I want to engage you all. Because you're all important to me So I'm just going to go over to little comments Now we're giving everyone a few moments to join us Because I find that sometimes people are scrolling through And I come up and then they join us So I'm sure you don't want me to continually repeat myself So we're giving people a few moments to join us Hey Daniela, how are you? Happy New Year to you, Daniela hope you and your boyfriend are well and seeing some of your videos on the instagram you're doing good um yeah so this month is all about helping you quit smoking whatever that is now listen I don't care if you smoke or if you don't smoke I'm not here to be judgmental of people if they smoke if you smoke you enjoy you're happy doing it fantastic keep doing it I only come into the picture when someone calls me up and says luke I'm bloody dying. I want to be around to see my kids play to graduate. I want to see my grandkids play in the backyard. Luke, I can't even walk to the top of the stairs now. I'm only thirty four, but I'm getting out of breath. Luke, I'm fifty, but I'm plugged into this oxygen tank because I've got COPD. Luke, I'm spending three thousand five hundred dollars plus a month on cigarettes. And I really would very much like to... Stop this once and for all. So that's when I come into the picture. When people are suffering, they cannot find a way out, then people hire me to be a... Hypnotic assassin. Sounds scary, but it's not really. I just go in there with your permission to help assassinate that nasty habit or addiction. Depends on what side of the page you look at. Half the scientists, half the specialists in the world see smoking as a physiological addiction, meaning if you come off of it after a couple of days, there is a physiological reaction. Not an emotional reaction. I'm tired. I'm bored. I need to do something with my hands. Oh, it's usually my morning coffee. I usually do something else with this right now in the past, but I'm not doing it right now. I feel a bit lost. Not talking about that. That's a pattern. That's an emotional behavior also. And that could be just as difficult to kick if you don't have the right tools. But half the scientists think it's a physiological thing. problem the other half of the scientists think it's a psychological problem it's a it's something you can quit now someone has been doing this for twenty five years as someone who's helped close to ten thousand people in the last twenty five years uh especially about twenty six years now because I started in nineteen ninety nine so this is the twenty six year I've been doing this it's not the only thing I help people with in hypnosis uh but it's one of the main things I help people is to is to quit smoking And I usually notice about this time of year, January, right? People will contact me for whatever reason, New Year's resolution, their partner has been getting on them about quitting smoking. And I get an influx of people generally at the end of the month. who are like, I need to quit smoking, costing me my bloody health, costing me way too much money, costing me peace of mind with my family, and I just don't want to be a slave to this nasty addiction, behaviour, habit anymore, and I want to get rid of it. um typically when people come to see me to quit smoking they've done everything else quite frankly they have done the patches they have done the gum they've done the champax medication that you take that makes you vomit and have horrible nightmares and hallucinate some of them even done lasers they've got these lasers that they point at you supposedly these lasers help you quit smoking now I don't know if it's true or not but it seems a bit weird that they point a laser at you and you quit smoking like any lasers I'm used to in those james bond movies when it's about to climbing off I don't know if I want that anywhere close to me um but I will tell you I've seen quite a few people that have gone to laser surgery and it's pretty expensive But if it worked, it's not really expensive because it's usually less than three and a half grand. But it is pretty expensive. And in my experience, and this is only speaking about me, but I do have a wealth of experience in this area because I've been doing it for twenty five years. Most people don't. It doesn't make them quit permanently long term. So I don't mean quit for a day, quit for a week, a month, or a year. I mean quit forever. It's done, right? Sometimes people say, oh, look, I've quit before, but I started up again. Did you quit smoking or did you just have a mini vacation? No, I quit. So let me ask you again. Did you quit smoking or take a vacation? And they don't quite get it. So I give them this analogy. If I quit my wife or my girlfriend, then typically I don't go back to them. It's done. If I quit my job, I don't go back a week later and continue to do that job. You know what I mean? If I quit my house and I get a new house, I don't tend to go back to the old house just because it's done, right? If you quit something, generally it's done. It's finished. You draw a line underneath it. It is finished. You don't tend to go back. to oh yeah you're right luke I didn't quit I took a mini vacation and I do that not to be a dick but to really line up the language people are using Because the words we use externally to other people, but even more importantly, when it comes to influencing ourselves, the words we use inside our head to influence us are very, very powerful. So be careful of the words that we use and only use powerful words like quit when we've actually done it. I mean, done it for good. We ain't doing it anymore. It's not just an hour break that you've had from smoking. No, you're done. You used to be a smoker, but you don't do it anymore. So that's what I mean by quit. um last time I studied this was a few months ago um the statistics on patches gum um therapy groups yeah there are like groups of people that meet up and say um you know I'm a smokeaholic and I want to quit and how long have you been doing this well since I was fifteen right there are there are kind of like groups counseling groups self-help groups like that as well so the last time I started this which was about a month ago from a few different sources online you can check this out for yourself as well and you always have to take stuff that you read online with a pinch of salt um so that's why I go out and try and get these the information from a number of different sources just to make sure I'm not being click baited I urge you to do the same as well I I put that into the blender with the people I see daily to help quit smoking and I put it all together and this is what I base my knowledge on so I'm not just there reading theories I'm actually working with people I'm interviewing clients before they come in to find out what they've done before what's worked what hasn't worked what's given them a little relief from stopping smoking or from smoking and what hasn't worked at all for them so I'm always compiling data So patches, patches that you put somewhere on your body, use on your arm. They have about a nine percent success rate. So if one hundred people went in and they were all smokers and they wanted to quit and they just used as patches, about nine out of one hundred will be successful. So that would mean ninety one. Ninety one percent of all people that use patches continue to smoke. In fact, when I used to have for a very brief period of time, I had another job when I was nineteen. I worked in a sports supplement store in London, London, England, where I'm from, in the very famous was it the uh charing cross station and we still sport supplements and I worked with a guy looked very good good looking guy um we used to call him ned flanders because he's such a nice guy but he was overly nice he looked a bit like a more handsome buff version of ned flanders from the simpsons Anyway, his name was John. Good guy. And John was quitting smoking, right? And he looked really healthy. Good looking, handsome guy. And I remember at lunchtime, I was there for about a year, right? Part time. And every lunchtime, he's telling me he's quitting smoking. And he didn't just have one patch on his arm. He had about three or four patches, which is like about the equivalent at that time, twenty five years ago of about like, I think, three or four packs of cigarettes, not one at the same time. And he was chewing the Nicorette gum. So he had about three or four patches on his arm, getting all that nicotine time release. And he's chewing the Nicorette gum, I believe it was called. So he's not inhaling it from his mouth, the smoke and what have you, but he's still getting all that nastiness from nicotine. into his bloodstream. And he quit smoking. He stopped smoking for a while. But all that nicotine was just finding another entryway into his body. And I said, John, ain't that a bit like a heroin addict saying to themselves, well, I'm going to quit heroin. Here's how I'm going to quit. Instead of injecting into my right arm, I'm getting injected to my left arm. That's essentially what he was doing. And let me be old. Within like nine months, he was back smoking cigarettes again. But it's quite shameful doing it. He would go upstairs and at the back, the stockyard, what you call stock room, a little staircase there. And he would do it when no one was looking around. and so he would still sneak it in but yeah he was a prime example of that and he was a healthy guy you know no judgments for him or anything like that but um yeah he was doing it so patches have about a nine percent success rate by the way audience participation time because I like to know how many people are out there and watching right now because I'm on all these forms of platform like I say the facebook the youtube the instagram the twitch the x the linkedin and the TikTok right here. All right. So speaking to you all right now. So the next one on the list. So patches have about nine percent success rate gum. We touched upon it a moment ago. What do you think the success rate is in Nicorette gum or the equivalent? What do you think the success rate in helping people transition from cigarettes to being completely nicotine free. And by nicotine free, I don't mean just no cigarettes. I mean, no e-cigarettes, no vaping, no patches, no gum, nothing. Just you're done with nicotine in any of its guises. What do you think the success rate out of a hundred, a hundred being a hundred percent, obviously being totally successful, zero being zero. no success what do you think the success rate is universally cross-culturally uh through nicorette gum or through um whatever you call it in whatever country you're in the gum that you'll chew the specific gum as nicotine to help you get away from cigarettes what do you think the success rate is of nicotine gum is put it in the comments below and I want to read what some of your comments are before I tell you what the success rate is of that And as you put it in the comments, I'm just looking at some of your comments to make sure that I am not missing out on any of you. What about you people on TikTok right now? Do you smoke? Do you vape? Do you want to quit? Put it in the comments below if you smoke or if you vape. Back to everyone else that I'm speaking to now. I've got some comments here. Oh, we got Daniela says one percent, a little bit higher than that. Melanie says five percent, a little bit higher than that. Last time I checked, the success rate of Nicorette nicotine gum is about ten percent, ten percent success rate. So to put that in perspective, If a hundred smokers go and buy a pack of Nicorette gum and they want to quit smoking, ninety of them out of a hundred, ninety of them are going to continue to smoke after. All right. The next one up is like a therapy group. I don't mean therapy one on one. I mean, like going into I call it a circle jerk. type of group. This is the kind of group where people sit around kind of like an AA meeting and they bitch and they complain about why they're broken and why the world is so tough and why they can't quit their substance. So what do you think the success rate is of a self-help or counseling type group of smokers? that get together about once a week and they whine I mean they talk about uh they're smoking and want to quit what do you think the success rate out of a hundred is for like those type of groups to help people put it in the comments below make sure you do that now I'm gonna say hello to the tick tock people here yeah talking to you as well start putting the comments below check in on the instagram here Checking on the Twitch. Sometimes these comments don't come up on my stream yard, which streams most of these. So I have to individually go to each page just to make sure I don't miss anyone's comments. All right. Daniela says fifteen percent. Pretty good. All right. Anyone else? Anyone else? Anyone else think fifteen is correct? Anyone else think fifteen is too high or too low? Put it in your comments below. I'll give you five seconds before I reveal it. Oh, Melanie Germain just got in there. Twenty two percent. Wonder if people are honest. Yeah. So the success rate of self-help groups where people get around, they bitch and complain specifically about smoking or stopping smoking is about four percent. So that means, yeah, you know, a hundred people go into these self-help groups and a hundred people that go in. Eighty eight of those people leave and they continue to smoke. Right. Oftentimes, when people go from smoking cigarettes to either e-cigarettes, to vaping, to patches, to gum, they're just kind of, again, I use this metaphor. But again, instead of injecting the heroin into the right arm, they're just injecting it into the left arm. And it may be a tiny bit cleaner because you're not inhaling it. But in the same fact, it's going straight into your bloodstream. Transdermalogically, I believe is the word, when you use the patches. Through the saliva gang, you'll get saliva, it's easy for me to say, glands, when you're chewing it in. So there's an argument there that it gets into your system even faster and you feel even more of it, right? So people say, well, vaping, I'm using vaping, Luke. A lot of vapors that I know, you know, they're transitioning. They think they're transitioning from cigarettes to vaping, but they still load the vapes up with nicotine. It might not be as much nicotine. All right. still have an ample amount of nicotine into their body that's hurting them right and then there's young kids it's the new thing in it to vape now if you're young a lot of schools got it bad but you should have like these these fruity um vapes or e-cigarettes out there they're fruity and supposedly there's no nicotine in them so here's the thing with that here's my problem with that and again I'll make it make it clear although I'm straight edge I'm I don't care if someone smokes, drugs, does whatever they want to do. It's their life. As long as they're not hurting me or the hypnopixie, I don't really care what people do. I only care about people outside of me or the hypnopixie. When they put their hand up and say, Luke, I need some help. I'm suffering right here. Nothing I'm doing is working. And I need some help. So I'm talking about those. Please don't feel that I'm judging you. I am judging you, by the way, because everyone judges you all of the time. We all do it. It's just I catch my judgments. I look at them. Do I want to run with it? So, you know, when anyone says I'm not judging you, they are. They're bloody judging. You cannot not judge someone. But what we can do is catch the judgment when it comes up in our body, in our mind, look at it and be like, hey, is that right? Is that an honest, is that an ethical way to look at it, an authentic way to look at the situation? Is that a good filter to view this whole thing through? And that's the power we've got. So we all judge all the time and we can't stop it, but we can investigate it and see if we want to continue to look at it. But a lot of these younger people, they'll start using the vapes and they'll load it with this fruitiness. Right. It's really, really clever. I don't know if you realize this, but many of the big vaping or e-cigarette companies are owned by cigarette companies, nicotine companies, right? They've got this little strategy out there. In the fifties and sixties, they used to be able to have commercials on TV and they used to have like the cool characters, the heroes, right? And the TV shows or movies like the Cowboys and the John Waynes and what have you, the Marlboro man, if you will. And they're very cool, right? the fons whatever and they're smoking so they they were very very smart they were using psychologists back in the day to just have this core factor when it comes to smoking then they got even smarter because they got banned from tv right and traditional advertising and commercial advertising um so now They hook the young people with the physiological movement of smoking. Now, they may not be getting any nicotine into their body, but from a young age, these young people are learning the mechanics. A bit like wax on, wax off from the karate kid. Daniel's son doesn't realize he's learning some various blocks until the fight comes. So these youngsters are learning the biomechanics of smoking. So it's not such a big step, is it? But when they do come of a rightful age, and usually, especially if you're from Quebec, you'll start smoking even earlier because the social circle, there's still a coolness, a rebellion about smoking, right? But they've already done the baby steps to learn how to do it because these companies, a lot of these nicotine companies, as mentioned, also own the e-cigarettes and e-vape companies. So they're teaching children Youngsters, teenagers, very early, they're using a form of hypnosis. They're teaching something to somebody without those people knowing they're being taught it. So it's not easy for them to transition to actually full scale smoking. Now I got off my soapbox and I'm going to read some comments. If you've got any questions for me, by the way. Put it in the comments below I'm going to read the comments in a moment If you don't believe anything I'm saying Put it in the comments below But be respectful If you're respectful I'll talk to you If you're willing to learn I'm also willing to learn as well Because I ain't always right But I do have a wealth of experience here I'm always willing to learn So if you don't agree with something I'm saying It's totally cool But be respectful in the comments And we'll have a respectful debate We're adults If you try and troll me I will troll I will chew your arse out And make you feel about that small So that's a warning to those little trolls out there. But if you've got something you want to say, you agree, you disagree, you've got any comments, questions about smoking, hypnosis, patches, gums, any of that business, please put it in the comments below. All right. What is Daniela? We call them douche flutes. That's why I chuckled earlier. Douche flutes. Yes. If you're going to do this anyway and you're above legal age, may as well bloody smoke the normal cigarette. At least you're smoking a cigarette instead of this like douche flute. I like that, Daniela. Daniela also says the Marlborough man actually came to our school when I was a kid. You're not that old though, Daniela, right? You're younger than me. When did that Marlborough man stop appearing in like... tv and the ads and stuff for um for the cigarettes that's that's that's crazy though the mulberry man it's like the heroin man I don't know if there is a heroin man the cocaine woman I don't know if it's a cocaine woman imagine there was like these characters for all these illicit drugs that came to school to lure you into doing it that's crazy All right. Any questions? Put in the comments below. I'm just going to the other formats right now. I've been neglecting the folks on the TikTok right now. See if they've got any questions. Bunch of people watching. Not asking questions on TikTok. All right. Fair enough. Let's see what people on the X have to say. And the Twitch, what's going on with Twitch? I'm still on Twitch. All right. Okay. All right. So it's still working. Still live in all those formats. All right. That's good. Fantastic. So, yeah. Hypnosis. Suggestion only hypnosis. What does that mean? And I've got some hypnotist here tonight. They know what suggestion is for those people that are not hypnotists. I don't expect you to know what suggestion hypnosis is. Essentially, layman's terms, what suggestion hypnosis is, is I'm going to put you under trance or make you feel really relaxed. And I'm going to say nice things to you or the things you want to hear, which is you're a happy, healthy non-smoker. Instead of thinking about smoking now, you're thinking about drinking water. exercising, doing healthy things, and it's all easy and effortless. I'm giving you the opposite positive suggestion to the problem that you've got. So that would be smoking for the smokers out there. So just doing that, just doing that alone, not actually doing the therapy part of it, but just getting people relaxed enough. And all that really means, relaxed, is eliminating as many of the distractions as possible, i.e. the social media, the noise outside. Sorry, I'm looking at my... my TikTok and people want to co-host with me. Live restricted for all someone. We have no co-hosts on this. I am the only host. Thank you for the people on TikTok. I'm the only host unless I invite you and I don't know you. No, we won't be co-hosted. You can ask questions and you can ask if you want to co-host and tell me what you bring to the table. And that's a good way to build a relationship. But if you just put a, you want to join, you want to be a co-host and I don't know you, I'm just going to decline it because I don't know you. And you could be naked, you could be nude, you could be rude you could be hurting yourself I don't know because I don't know you so if you want to co-host with me best way of doing that is introduce yourself to me beforehand ask some questions and then we go from there it's a bit like a date right you don't go to the sex immediately you probably want a drink or two first to see if you feel comfortable with someone and then going back to the house you just aren't showing up to the date naked because that would be a bit bit crazy So back to the smoking. So suggestion only hypnosis, where I just say the positive suggestion, i.e. you no longer smoke when you're happy and healthy doing it. That's about a fifty five percent success rate. It doesn't sound a lot. If you combined all the things I've mentioned so far, it's double the effectiveness of everything so far, plus about twenty five percent. So suggestion hypnosis is really good at fifty five percent. I forgot one thing. Let me rewind for a moment. There's been called the name is what is it? The name escapes me right now. I said it earlier on. Oh, if you know, I'm thinking put it in the comments. Right. It's a specific medication that's prescribed to you from a doctor. I'm sure I'll come back to me in a moment that you take that. Basically, if you do go to light up a cigarette smoke, it makes you quite violently ill. There's a version of it they use for drinkers as well. I can't believe the name escapes me right now. But if you know what the medication is that doctors give people, so if they light up a cigarette and they go to smoke, it actually makes them violently throw up. Champax. Thank you, Daniela. Champax, yeah. There's a medication you can take called Champax. It's very effective. Very, very effective. Because quite frankly, you take it and it makes you vomit. Also, it makes you have horrible, vivid nightmares. Also, In some cases, in some studies, it is linked to schizophrenia actually causing a psychological break in people. While most people are on it, they ain't smoking. But the problem is you can't stand it that long because the nightmares are vivid. I mean, they are like... Imagine your worst horror movie and having that horror movie play out on a virtual reality headset and... And you've got like you feel things touching you because you're in one of those like VR places like the wind and the fabrics are touching you. So it immerses you into that experience. It's like that, but timed a hundred with your unconscious playing the very scary movie. OK, again, not to mention there being some links for schizophrenia as well. So is Champax effective for helping people quit smoking? Sure. Can you stand it long term? Well, not unless you want to have violent, vivid nightmares every single night of your life and potentially gain, get, have a psychological break and schizophrenia. So I'll see a lot of people that were like, Luke, use Champax. It's really effective. I did stop smoking. It was quite easy, in fact. However, the nightmares, the vomiting and the psychological breaks weren't for me. So I gave up the Champax and I started to smoke again. So Champax has about a twenty percent success rate, which is still pretty good. However, like I say, there's all those contraindicators that are very scary, in fact. Just a little bit back to e-cigarettes is a lot of the e-cigarettes out there, because they've only been around for what? E-cigarettes, vaping, about fifteen, twenty years, right? Whereas smoking cigarettes has been around for at least a hundred or so years. And there's a lot of studies they've done on smoking through the last fifty, sixty years because e-cigarettes are pretty new relatively. There are not very many studies on e-cigarettes and the effects on them whatsoever. And the minimal amount of studies there are on e-cigarettes and vaping are all pointing to them being far more dangerous than we imagine. Because the last time I checked, I'm in North America, is you can't go into a mall or a shop and smoke cigarettes or restaurants. But there are more than a few shops, malls, restaurants that you can. Not everyone, but there are more than a few that you can and vape because there's no essential nasty smoke. There's like a vapor that comes out, right, but not a nasty smoke. So it's more accessible and it's comfortable to do it in more places. And there's Generation Z right now, Generation Z, where – interesting, I'm getting ads – I use this platform called StreamYard. I'm getting ads on StreamYard in the comment section. That's why I was like, huh? That was weird. Yeah, so that's another way. At least they make it difficult for you to smoke right now, right? You can't smoke inside, certainly not in North America. And certain areas around houses and residential areas, you have to be far enough away from a house or a building before you can smoke. So smokers are being limited to what they do. which sounds like it's very effective in helping them and in some ways it does but now they just go into the car or into their garage or into their backyard even when it's minus with the windshield here in toronto the smokers who want to smoke will smoke even if it means every time going out minus minus into their garage because their family don't want to smell the cigarettes inside so you can limit where people smoke as much as you want if the smoker wants to smoke the smoker is going to smoke and it really doesn't matter they'll find a way they're very good like that daniella says they are wild dreams all right we're talking about the champ eggs I quit smoking so I didn't have to take more champ eggs so I didn't have to take more champ eggs ah interesting so daniella you actually did it you were taking champ x it was effective but you had some very wild dreams so you quit it yeah so that's you know happened to daniella there so I'm not just making this up Yeah. So suggestion only hypnosis, very effective, fifty five percent. But there's still forty five percent. I mean, it's forty five out of one hundred people that come in to a traditional hypnosis hypnotist who will continue to smoke. Right. So it's still better than everything else I mentioned. The patches, the gum, the e-cigarettes. and the champax and the therapy group if you put all of those together suggestion only hypnosis is more effective but still a lot of room for improvement right most most meaning more than a half of hypnotists you'll meet out there will do suggestion only hypnosis so what that means is they'll open up their little script book not all hypnotists there are some great hypnotists some very intelligent hypnotists out there but there's some hypnotists you go into their office or virtually if you're working with me That means you can stay at home. Even though I'm in Toronto, you can be anywhere in the world and I can do this with you. This is not what I do. This is what some hypnotists do. It's not their fault because they were taught this way, but they never updated their knowledge. So they're asking you to close your eyes. The only reason they're asking you to close your eyes is so they can pull out their script book. And then they go to, it's alphabeticalized, right, from A to Z. So all the A problems, the B problems, the C, until they get to C. Cigarettes, with your eyes closed, they'll have about five different scripts, stories, to read you with your eyes closed. One of the reasons they ask you to close your eyes, they'll say to relax you. Sometimes I do hypnosis with my client's eyes open. Excuse me. But a lot of times, so they can read the script and they think you don't know. that they're reading a script to you. And here's the thing about reading a script. If I'm reading a script, that means I cannot see you because my eyes are on my script and I'm reading it like a robot and my clients know this. What do you think that does to the therapeutic relationship? It makes them feel not seen. To begin with, not hurt. Excuse me. Secondly, right? So a good hypnotist, somebody's been doing this for some time. Then they've gone through the stages of reading scripts. We've all done it. It's a bit like stability wheels on a bike. It's a bit appropriate when you start it. It's okay. If you've been doing hypnosis for more than six months or a year, you shouldn't be reading scripts anymore, right? You should be reading your client. So The kind of hypnosis I do is called advanced structured hypnosis. And it's a form of hypnosis where we've already spoke on the phone for an hour before I've even accepted you as a client. You filled out a comprehensive questionnaire so I can see if there's any red flags or any contraindicators that we need to deal with or if it'd be appropriate for us to work together. All right. And then we start to work together. But at no point am I reading a script like a robot and be disengaged from you like this the whole time I'm here. I'm speaking to everyone who's not on TikTok. I'm here. If I'm speaking to the people on TikTok, come here. But I'm watching my client. I'm not just watching them for the big movements that they make, but for the micro movements that they make, the little twinkles in their eye. certain words they lean on certain pitches to words that will go a little bit higher how their breathing changes when they talk about certain subjects certain triggers they might have when they say well I was doing so greatly but then I had an argument with my mom my dad my husband my wife my kids my boss and then all I wanted to do was smoke and it soothed me so the kind of hypnosis I do It isn't about reading a script because the best script I'm ever going to get is you or whoever my client is that's in front of me right now. Because I'm looking at you to see what not only what you want, but what you need. Right. Because it's important I give you what you want, but what you want and what you might need might be two different things. So my big job is to give you what you need, but I've got to give you what you want to some degree as well for you to feel satisfied. Right. I'll share a quick story with you. Again, any questions you've got about stopping smoking, vaping, Champax, e-cigarettes, any of that business, me, hypnosis, how it works, put in the comments below. If it's live right now, I'll answer it live. If it's after the fact, remember, I'm going to be here every Wednesday, every Wednesday, but every Wednesday for this month, which is January. It's all going to be about stopping smoking, quitting smoking and stuff like that. So here's a real story. This is many years ago, about ten years ago. I came in. It was when I just would do stop smoking in one hour in one session. And it worked for about ninety percent of people. Didn't work for everyone. That ninety percent of people that I saw quit smoking or they told me maybe they were lying. But they told me when I followed up that they were happy, they were satisfied and they were good. They gave me reviews. Last time I checked on my website, there was about thirty video reviews on people throughout the years that had helped quit smoking. And quite a few of them were five, six, seven, eight years after the session when they came in for a separate problem, like eight years later and for a different problem. And then I'd ask him, hey, so know I saw you about eight years ago when I quit smoking how'd that go well it went great fantastic um that's what I just didn't realize you helped with weight loss or anxiety or pain I just thought you did stop smoking even though my website has like you know the smoking the weight loss the pain control the anxiety the addiction is all there and even though there's like about fifteen hundred videos out there of me helping people every kind of problem but for whatever reason they only saw what they wanted to see and they would get emails and they saw me on social media and they'd do a live like this or do a video, another type of video. And the penny dropped, so to speak, like, oh, you can help me with X. So I asked them, so you came in, so what happened? And they shared their story. And you'll see that on my website, If you go to the Stop Smoking page, you'll see about three, at least three reviews of people that came in eight years ago to quit smoking and I caught up with them because they came in eight years later for a different problem to be cleared and they share their story like ten twenty minutes on finding me what the experience was like and um you know being a non-smoker now um which was always great but I'm a big believer in proof right like anyone could say they can do this that or the devil knows what how do you know unless you see unless you actually do a session with them how do you know do you do you want to blow a bunch of money potentially if you don't know it's going to work so the reason I put a lot of those reviews out there in video form in interview form um you actually see on my website or my youtube you're actually doing stop smoking sessions with people written testimonials google testimonials uh texts and emails that clients have sent me after the fact the reason I put all that out there is so you know it's real You know, it's legit. A lot of people don't just say, well, I can help you do this. And they charge all this money and they just got out of school a month ago and they've seen one client. And here you come along smoking fifty cigarettes a day for the last fifty years. Maybe they'll be effective to you. You know, maybe they'll help you. But I'm probably going to want someone with a bit more experience and can show me before I come in that whether or not they can help me is a hundred other people that have helped. And it's videos and it's written testimonies and it's text messages. So you can see it's legit, right? So always make sure if you do want someone to help you with quitting smoking, there's proof. It's not them just banging on how great they are. They can provide proof to you that they can help you because they've helped many other people. Whatever they can help you is different because obviously you're different, but you'll see the proof that they have helped many other people. If you've got any questions, put in the comments below. I'm going to share your story in a moment. I'm going to give you one technique before you wrap up today. So if you've got any questions about smoking, about stopping vaping, e-cigarettes, patches, guns, New Year's resolution, quitting smoking, if there's withdrawal symptoms, any of that after doing hypnosis, put it in the comments below. Let me share this story with you as you put your comments in below. About ten, fifteen years ago, I'm in Ottawa, capital of Canada, and I saw a client for Stop Smoking. And we did one session, one hour, and that was it. Stop Smoking. So I messaged him about three weeks later just to check up on him. We'll call him John. His name wasn't John. The guy earlier was called John. I can say his name is John because he was my friend, right? I haven't spoke to him for a while. But this is a client, so I'll hide his name. So this guy who's John, but not really John, former client, three weeks later emailed, hey, John, just checking in with you. How are things? John responded, thanks for checking up with me, Luke. That's very nice of you. Don't think the hypnosis worked. Didn't feel hypnotized. Won't be recommending you. That's very nice. You checked up with me. So I open up the email, I read it. Oh, so I read it as if he's smoking, right? Nothing happened, nothing changed. So I responded to him. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear. And he was smoking about fifty cigarettes a day, if memory serves me right. So, John, how many cigarettes are you smoking a day? He responded, oh, look, no, no, I'm smoking zero. I'm not smoking any cigarettes a day. And it's been three weeks. And coincidentally, I just seemed to quit smoking exactly after our session. But it wasn't because you hypnotized me. It's because I just decided. Then I realized at that point, I don't care if someone gives me the credit or themselves the credit as long as they do it. But the thing is, I realize there's a difference between getting what you want and getting what you need when I'm feeling satisfied. I thought that John would be happy going from fifty cigarettes a day to zero. I thought that's what he wanted. And I gave him what he wanted. I didn't give him what he needed. And what he needed was he needed to quit smoking. Sorry, I got it wrong. He needed to quit smoking. That's what he needed. But the need wasn't sexy. The quitting smoking part wasn't sexy. Right. So he needed that. And I delivered my end of that. The sexy part is he wanted to feel hypnotized. And because I didn't do some stage show stuff with him, like sticking his hands together or sticking his foot to the ground or invisible in myself or making him forget his name. Because I didn't do that part. They never asked for that part, by the way. But because I didn't give him that part, the bells and whistles, that doesn't really have anything to do with therapy, by the way. He didn't get what he wanted. Weird, isn't it? So he quit smoking, doesn't smoke, saved his life, saved a bunch of money. but he was not satisfied because I didn't give him what he wanted. I gave him what he needed. So then I realized at that point, I've got two jobs. I need to help facilitate what the client wants, which is, sorry, what they need, which is in this case, stopping smoking. But my second job is I need to facilitate an environment, a space to give them the bells and whistles or the satisfaction of Or being hypnotized so they could experience some kind of phenomenon that happens so they can leave and they can say, oh, my God, he stuck my eyelids together. And because he stuck my eyelids together, he stuck this New Year's resolution in my brain that I will never smoke again. That's what he needed. That's what he wanted. Sorry, that's what he wanted. I gave him what he needed. I just quit smoking. I didn't give him what he wanted. So then I learned that part ten years ago. Give them what they need. I get the heroin person off the heroin. Get the cocaine addict off the cocaine. Get the alcoholic off of alcohol. Got the anxiety person to stop having panic attacks multiple times a day. But also give them what they want, which is some of the magic of hypnosis as well. One technique before we wrap it up today. I want to give you one technique. If you are smoking and you want to quit and you're on the fence on whether you want to see me or another hypnotist or a change work or whatever, you know, you want to try some stuff on your own for free. Here's what you can do. It's a free thing for you smokers out there, right? And you want to quit, but you're not quite there yet. So in neurolinguistic programming, coaching, we call this shaking up your world a little bit, not making the structure fall down, the structure being the problem with smoking, but weakening the structure a little bit. So when it's gusty and windy, like it is here in Toronto, and you hear the gust of winds, it can start to rock that foundation. of the problem and weaken that it's cold it's grasp on you it's a simple thing if you're a smoker whatever brand of cigarettes you smoke whether they be Marlboro they're still around camel if they're still around whatever your brand of cigarettes is all right usually people have got a brand that they stick to for the next month or for the rest of January just continue to smoke but continue to smoke a different brand. It doesn't matter what the brand is, but if you're a Pepsi drinker, you go to Coke. You do the equivalent of cigarettes. So if you're Muldra, you go to Camel. If you're Camel, you go to Muldra or something else. You go to a completely different company, a completely different brand of cigarettes. Just do that. You're spending the same amount of money. You're getting your nicotine in if you choose to do that. If you don't want to stop cold turkey, you're just changing the brand. You'll do that. And then just keep a little journal, whether it's on your cell phone, whether it's in a book, just writing how many cigarettes you have now, normally, on your traditional brand, your chosen brand. And then when you switch brands, without reducing it, without deliberately, consciously, cognitively reducing it, at the end of the month, put down how many you're smoking on the other brand. And if you're like most of my clients, you're probably going to find that without consciously trying to, You drastically reduce the amount of cigarettes you're smoking, not through willpower, just by changing the brand. You don't need to believe me. You don't need to trust me. Just going to do it and report back. Report back if it worked for you. So step one, find out how many smokes you're smoking now, on average a week, of your chosen brand. Switch it for January. At the end of the month, do your division. I just noticed... many cigarettes you're smoking of the new brand I think you'll find that you would have drastically reduced your smoking without consciously trying it all right don't need to believe me it's not going to cost you any more money you can still spend the same amount of money anyway to smoke not asking you or telling you to quit smoking because you don't be told what to do right but just give an experiment I believe you do little experiments right and just noticing if they work for you. And I'd be curious as you do it for the next week, when you're back here next week, if you smoke or vape or whatever, report back. And if you're watching this after the fact, do it. And then when we're back here next week, same time, same place, same channel, you can report back. what you've noticed by the way so people on Twitch they can see this more clearly my new hypnosis t-shirt and for the people oh on every other platform can you see my nice new hypnosis t-shirt these are suggestions these are all like beautiful lovely suggestions in the t-shirt the kind of suggestions that a hypnotist would give when you're in trance but make it a bit more specific to your to be the positive opposite of whatever your issue is. So that being said, I'll leave you a few moments. If you've got any comments, guys, I'm going to check all the various feeds in a moment. You've got any questions about smoking, vaping, hypnosis, me, put it in the comments below. I'm going to go look at those comments now before I wrap this bad boy up. All right. Let's have a look. Got Emma there. Orange smoothie. Hypnopixie. Super chicken out. All right. Interesting name. What have we got over here? What have we got over here? What have we got on the old Twitch? This is not Twitch, is it? It's TikTok. All right. Lovely. All right. So, yes, it's a good shirt, isn't it, Daniela? I've got a few new shirts, hypnosis shirts the other day. I like this one. It's like a question bubble. I like it. It looks good. I have a client, he's now a good friend of mine, Daryl, and he sees me at these, wherever it's a live, wherever it's a video, wherever it's a talk, and I'm always wearing these different hypnosis t-shirts. He's like, you're like a wrestler who wears their gimmick t-shirt every time they come out for a match. It's like your gimmick is the t-shirt and you change it and you've got your own merchandise. I'm like, yeah, I like that. All right, folks. Well, thank you for joining tonight. uh any questions if you're watching after the fact put your comments below and I'll get back to it at some point um there will also be a link to my website if you do want to melt quit smoking I'll give you a link so you can look at some of my stuff see some of my proof and potentially book a screening call with me which is free as of right now, where we chat on the phone for about an hour. And I'll honestly tell you, if I think I can help you to quit smoking, odds are I probably can, if you're coachable. People are like, well, can you hit the tires anyone, Luke? I'm like, yeah, a hundred percent all the time, as long as they're coachable. All right. So I do jujitsu and we get many students in there. Some are far younger, far more athletic than me, but not coachable. What does that mean? They don't listen. They don't follow instructions. They might have all the athletic ability in the world, but they can't follow instructions. And you get some old broken down person who goes into the gym that is not all roided up or is not all like testosterone filled, doesn't have a history of like doing all athletic endeavors, but they can follow bloody instructions, i.e. they're coachable. And that's the main thing when it comes into hypnosis or any kind of sports or any kind of change work. Is are you coachable? If you are coachable, the odds are I can help you. If you're not coachable, then Richard Bandler and Tony Robbins and Milton Erickson combining to be some kind of NLP hypnosis justice league. Or X-Men, for the Marvel people out there, they ain't going to help you a lick. You've got to be coachable, and that just means can you listen and follow simple instructions, like close your eyes, put your hands here, see this thing inside of your head, or whatever your equivalent is, and do what I ask you to do, as long as it's safe, ethical, and non-fattening. The Hypnobixie says, always love all of the shirts. Thank you very much. All right, folks. So lovely having you. I'll see you next week. That's all. Write down whatever, how many cigarettes you're smoking a day. Change the brand. Do it for next week or for January. And just notice when you clock up all the numbers, you'll probably be smoking or vaping or gumming. Seems a bit rude. Les, don't trust me. Just do it and be your own feedback machine. All right, I'll see you next week. Same Luke time, same Luke place, same Luke channel. Lukenosis hypnosis,

Always Believe xXx


1 Response

  1. What are you smoking?
  2. […] The Hypnosis Show #12 January: How To Stop 🛑 Smoking 🚬 […]

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