"Be The Villain!!!" [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In_mcs4qp4o[/embed] Hello, it is Luke Micheal Howard aka the HypnoPunk with your Mindset Monday. And today is about being the villain in someone else's life. Now you should be the hero in your own life but when you truly are the hero in your own life and you have the kinda health, the…
Read moreHow To Stop The Voices
If you're not one of my clients and you're reading this artilce, you're gonna about to learn something really, really awesome on how to end self-criticism inside your head, how to shut down that voice that rags on and gives you a hard time inside your head where that stops you from asking…
Read moreMindset Monday #25
"Disappointment!!!" [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmi_JovsNlc[/embed] Hello, it's the HypnoPunk, aka Luke Michael Howard of lukenosis.com here with your Mindset Monday. Today we're going to speak about being disappointed. here's a few situations in my life, at this present time, I'm a little bit disappointed. Disappointed in people, disappointed in situations, perhaps not going the way that I wanted…
Read moreThe Different Parts Of You
Often people will call me up and now they'll have an issue, for example, they'll be a smoker and they'll say, "Well listen, Luke, on one hand, I know I really wanna quit smoking, that's why I'm calling you. So I'm ready to invest the time and money and become a nonsmoker. Yet on…
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