Tag Archives: toronto weight loss

Mindset Monday #68

How To Kick Down Doors In Your Life! [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-yLNvlb8L4[/embed] What door do you need kicked in in your life? When do you need to be picked up and brought to the next level in your life? See, I realized a long time ago I had to literally kick in the doors in my own life…
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Do You Have Dreams That You Haven’t Yet Achieved?

Do You Have Dreams That You Haven’t Yet Achieved? Do you have a list of accomplishments yet to be checked off your to-do list? Can you picture your dream self - a version of you that you would be proud of? It’s pretty easy for most of us to notice and fixate on our flaws.…
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Fear Of Masks In Kids

Fear Of Masks In Kids [embed]https://youtu.be/PmYTpeWvlSQ[/embed] Summer is almost over! . I’ve seen a growing trend in children being afraid to cover their mouth and wear masks. . Due to many types of psychological and physiological problems. . Around this time each year parent send their children to me concerned with theirs child’s growing Anxiety…
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Mindset Monday #67

Cold Shower Therapy! [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5WRG_z09Ks[/embed] The benefits of cold ice showers. Why would someone be crazy enough to put themselves through this, not just because I live in Canada, but the cold shower benefit has been around for hundreds of years now. It helps to really increase your nerve force inside your body, helps to wake…
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