Tag Archives: Ottawa fear of heights

Mindset Monday #18

"Permanence!" [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LvaBgxGeb0[/embed] Luke Michael Howard here, aka the Hypnopunk with another "Mindset Monday." And today is about permanency. How permanent is life? I mean, you may live in a house now or an apartment. But how permanent is that? Are you gonna be there for the rest of your life? You may be married, may…
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Mindset Monday #17

"Looking After Yourself" [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwHBLURiw4A[/embed] Luke Michael Howard here aka the HypnoPunk, with your Mindset Monday, and today is all about looking after yourself, recuperating and rest. As somebody who never likes to rest, has a hard time resting, getting away from propelling myself forward, it's a difficult challenge for me to hold back sometimes, and…
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Mindset Monday #16

"Getting S*it Done!" [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CILEppHO8Kg[/embed] Hello. It's Luke Michael Howard AKA the Hypnopunk of Lukenosis Hypnosis here with your Mindset Monday. Today is about getting things done, today's message. Now, I've just had a week of training in hypnosis and the last thing I want to do today is get back to my business. Last thing…
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What Mask Are You Wearing?

Today's article is all about the different masks that we wear in life. You see, we always wear different masks. We're different people, different characters in every aspect of our life. The person we are at, potentially, our work is very different to the person we are in a romantic relationship. We're different to the…
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