Tag Archives: lukenosis

Fake News, Mind Control & Hypnosis 2/3

Another one, another controversial one, and again, this is not someone I like really any way shape or form. I'll tell you why in a minute. Bill Cosby, I read about Bill Cosby. You know, I don't know how many women have come forward now. Alleged that he's done some kind of sexual misconduct with…
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Fake News, Mind Control & Hypnosis 1/3

Fake News entered the lexicon of our language a few years ago where I believe the first time Donald Trump...yes, oh, Donald Trump. Lot of people out there hate Donald Trump, such a bad guy. We're gonna get into that later. We're gonna ruffle a lot of feathers with that I know and get a…
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The Science Behind Hypnosis 2/2

Next one up, studies report positive results included statistically significant reductions in pain and anxiety distress, published in 2006 in a study entitled, "Hypnosis for the Procedural-Related Pain and Distress in Pediatric Cancer Patients." Next up, weight loss, hypnosis helped people lose weight in both the short-term and long-term. In other words, hypnosis helps people…
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The Science Behind Hypnosis 1/2

    Today, I am borrowing a lot of the work from Dr. Richard Nongard, a great hypnosis trainer in Las Vegas. He has compiled a lovely book of facts, I believe 101 proofs of hypnosis citations, medical studies that have been done, that prove the effectiveness of hypnosis. So I'm borrowing a lot from…
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