Tag Archives: lukenosis

My Origin Story 2/2

If you've ever been to New York, you've probably seen this one magic where there's three cards on the table and one of them is essentially the queen, and they shuffle just these three cards and if you can tell where the queen is you get to win the money that's in the pot. And…
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My Origin Story 1/2

So in reality, how I got involved in hypnosis is when I was a young kid I was very fucked up. I had every kind of problem that you could imagine. I spent years going through child therapy and family therapy from about the age of 9 to about the age of 17 or 19.…
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What Is The Breakthrough Experience? 2/2

In the Breakthrough Experience, essentially what happens is that glass that you've been carrying around, that gets kind of filled in between psychotherapy sessions, in hypnosis essentially, by the singular effects, most of the time after a while, that glass stops getting filled by the free session. So, that's worked for you. But where the…
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What Is The Breakthrough Experience? 1/2

In traditional therapy, you would see a counselor or a psychotherapist or a cognitive behavioral therapist, and you'll see him for an undetermined amount of time. Never does someone go into a therapy session and say, ''Hey, Mr. Counselor, Mr. Therapist, Mr. Psychiatrist, Mr. Psychologist, how long will it take me to overcome my phobia…
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