Tag Archives: lukenosis


Imagine this if you will. You're at home, maybe you're in an apartment block like myself, and some idiot sets off the fire alarm. So it starts ringing and ringing and ringing. And you can do a couple of things here. You can figure out hey, I'm in danger, fire alarm's getting off, I go…
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*Preview* PODCAST #63 Psychopath Versus Sociopath

*Preview of this weeks show Psychopath Versus Sociopath. Listen it may just save your life! It Drops on Wednesday! Remember to Like, Share and Comment :) Always Believe, Luke Michael Howard Cht Clinical Hypnotist "Changing Thoughts At The Speed Of Light" Book your free Hypnotic screening call on: 613-878-5874 http://lukenosis.com/ It Drops on Wednesday! Remember…
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Mindset Monday #8

"Tornado's" [embed]https://youtu.be/y5skYlFLl54[/embed] Hello. Luke Michael Howard AKA the Hypnopunk from LUKEnosis Hypnosis here with your Mindset Monday. Today where I live in Toronto there has been a natural disaster. There's been a tornado, and it's literally switched off all the electricity in my building that you can see behind. There is no light, there's no…
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PODCAST #62 My TED Talk On Learning

In this weeks episode we explore; - Experience the experiential and immersive process of attending a live talk with me as I speak to the students of Ottawa University. - Take away 3 tangible ways to become a better student! - Learn the best emotions to open up the neuro pathways of learning. and much…
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