Tag Archives: lukenosis

I Haven’t Smoked In 2 Weeks!

[video width="1280" height="1280" mp4="https://www.lukenosis.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/C4397-I-Havent-Smoked-in-2-Wks-Simple-Square.mp4"][/video]   "Hello! My name is Fabio. I've been a smoker for a long time, I stopped for a long time, then it came back. Found out about Luke through a referral through a friend, then went to a doctor and I got a referral. My experience so far is amazing. I…
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Mindset Monday #23

"Lightness Vs Darkness!" [embed]https://youtu.be/B4h_mYrb-3I[/embed] HypnoPunk a.k.a. Luke Michael Howard here with your Mindset Monday. And today is all about light. There is so much darkness out there. I see it on a day to day basis. And it will try and eat you alive. It will try and eat you up. But you got to…
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Change Is Fast

  Luke Michael Howard, Clinical Hypnotist and owner of Lukenosis Hypnosis, lukenosis.com, here. Today's video is all about change and how quickly or slowly it can take. My question to you is how long does it take to change? Is it a long arduous process that takes forever and a day and maybe it never…
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Mindset Monday #22

"Spotting Fakers!" [embed]https://youtu.be/gFL8wD5n7wo[/embed]   Hello, it's Luke Michael Howard, aka the HypnoPunk with your Mindset Monday here in New Year's Evil, and today's episode is all about spotting fakers. There's an awful lot of fakers out there that will present themselves to you in such a way, a shape or a fashion, they may look…
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