Tag Archives: lukenosis

Mindset Monday #51

"Don't Let Your Dreams Die!" [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXOYA0bhzIQ[/embed] Luke Michael Howard here with your Mindset Monday. Today, I'm sweating like a maniac because I'm here in this cemetery. And whenever I'm in a cemetery, it always upsets me, but not for the reasons that you may imagine. Because when I look around at all these tombstones here,…
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Helping You Beat The Holiday Blues

Helping You Beat The Holiday Blues As the Canadian Covid19 lockdown continues and the government warns Britons against making holiday plans just yet, many people may find their state of mind slipping downwards without their annual summer trip to look forward to. So in response, I’m going to help people to travel to their favourite…
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Mindset Monday #50

"How To Stoke Your Fire!" [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGse_-Jd8ow[/embed] HypnoPunk, aka Luke Michael Howard, or Lukenosis Hypnosis, here with your Mindset Monday. Today is all about this thing. What? Fire. What fire do you have inside of you? What fire fuels a passion deep inside of you? See, people used to tease me when I was growing up.…
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Mindset Monday #49

"Stay In The Now!" [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8d79nsx6-A[/embed] The HypnoPunk here with your Mindset Monday, and today is all about how to stay present. How to be in the moment. Oftentimes many people that I meet and I encounter that have struggles in their life, they're either situated in the future if they're suffering from anxiety disorders or…
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