Tag Archives: hypnotist. ptsd symptoms. social anxiety

5 Ways To Better Sleep

"5 Ways To Better Sleep" [embed]https://youtu.be/ho2QSerNM-k[/embed] Anxiety from the Coronavirus is affecting everything and disturbing our sleeping patterns. Since lockdown began, there has been an extra drain on us mentally, and sleep becomes even more elusive when anxiety is heightened. To help overcome sleeping issues, you may need to implement sleeping strategies to limit the…
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Mindset Monday #48

"Canada Day!" [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwWTfoEr9bM[/embed] Luke Michael Howard aka the HypnoPunk here from Ottawa Hypnosis with your Mindset Monday. Today's July 1. July 1, where I am in, Canada, is Canada Day. Today we celebrate the nation, the country of Canada. Now I came over to Canada almost 10 years ago this August. And when I came…
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Do You Suffer From Stress?

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d14HYKxHTuQ[/embed] Do You Suffer From Anxiety? Are You Feeling Sick Of Feeling Stuck? Then Hypnosis Can Help! Book Your FREE Delete Anxiety Screening Call Below! Go here; https://www.lukenosis.com/screeningcall/
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Mindset Monday #43

"Outlaw!" [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61o4_S-mGDo[/embed]   Today is all about being the outlaw in your world in your universe. To do things different from how they've been done before. To ascend up that waterfall without having to go behind it to see what's there. If everyone's going right, going left. If everyone is going down, you go up.…
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