Online Vs In Person Hypnosis Sessions
Luke Michael Howard, clinical hypnotist and
owner of Lukenosis Hypnosis here. And I thought
make a video about the difference between doing
online hypnosis over a platform like Zoom versus
in person hypnosis. Now I've been hypnotist
for close to 25 years now, and for about the 1st
20 to 22 years it was all in person, right? And
then, even before pandemics, for about four
years ago, about 75% of my clients were outside
of Toronto where I live. They were either in
England or Australia or America, and it was
a bit expensive, quite frankly, to fly over
for a session. So I started to do more stuff online.
And then pandemic hit. And then everything transitioned to online.
So people like, well, Luke, don't I need to do
this hypnosis thing in person? Doesn't it only
work when, when when I'm there in person? Isn't
it really important that we're in the same room
together for hypnosis? The answer is no, quite
frankly, because this is not massage. I don't
need to touch you. The hypnotist doesn't need
to touch you. And quite frankly, if the hypnotist
is touching you, it's a bit weird. All Right. And
the thing that we're changing together is inside your mind.
OK. So it doesn't matter if we're five feet apart
or we're 5000 miles apart. And there's a thing
called the Atlantic Ocean between us. The thing
we're changing is in your mind. So as long as
you have your mind, hypnosis can and will be successful.
A drawback of doing it in person is a couple of
things, quite frankly, #1. You're going to
an office, an environment that certainly for
the first time you haven't been before, so you
might be a bit uncomfortable. So it may take
some time if you're doing in person, especially
certainly for a first session to get you to be
comfortable in a new environment
and in a room with with a man you've never worked
with, quite frankly, and your eyes are going
to be closed, so. Whether you feel trust between
you and I, or you and the hypnotist or not, consciously,
unconsciously closing your eyes in a new environment,
in a new room, with something you're not comfortable with.
All right, so that's one of the drawbacks. The
second one is, I don't know if you're a bit like me.
But whenever I've got meetings to go somewhere
and it's just a pain in the butt, to be honest,
you got to travel there, you've got a park, you've
got to wait in the waiting room. And it's all
time that I'd rather be investing, doing something more valuable.
I'm not talking about the hypnosis, not being
valuable but I mean traveling there, sitting
in a waiting office and all of that business,
all right? So that's that's another drawback as well.
Looking for where to park, that's another drawback as well.
It all takes time traveling back and forth.
So those are some of the drawbacks of doing it in person.
Some of the very big positives about doing it
online is you're in your own home, most likely.
Some of my clients are in their office. Quite
a few this week, surprisingly, are in their car.
And it still works. They're not driving, all right.
The car is stopped. They should say that, but
they're in a comfortable, safe place. But when
you're in an environment that you're comfortable
with, and for example, would just say home,
as most of the clients I work with are, you know,
your couch, right? You know? Your environment.
You're comfortable in that environment. You
control that environment. So a lot of our work
is already done. We don't need to waste time
about getting you comfortable in the environment.
It's your environment. You're going to be comfortable in it.
Secondly, you can feel safe to close your eyes
because you're there alone. You're not in the
presence of a stranger. Although I do hope we
become friends. On some level after that, but
you can feel comfortable closing your eyes
because it's just you there. And like I said,
you can control that environment. Here's another
thing, here's another big thing that I've noticed
is often times when clients would come to my office.
And I did have three. I had one in Toronto where
I now live, one in Ottawa where I used to live, and
one in Las Vegas that used to frequent rather
often, Okay. Oftentimes, as strange as this
sounds, my clients would forget to bring their
problem to the office. Here's an example. The
person who overeight wasn't going to overeat
in front of Maine in the office. The client that
was into porn and they're addicted to sex, hopefully,
and they didn't weren't going to have sex or
watch porn in front of me in the office. The client
that was doing heroin, the client that was doing
coke, the client was doing crack. The client
that was having an anxiety attack, the client
was having a depressive episode. Typically
they weren't going to do these things on call
in front of me in my office. So the person who
showed up to my office, although it looked like
the client, and it sounded like the client,
and they had the same name, same thumbprint,
same National Insurance number or a social
insurance number and it wasn't quite them.
And what I mean by that is they forgot to bring
their problem. They weren't really going to
have the problem in my office. So we could do
all this beautiful change in the office, and
it would work most of the time. But sometimes,
sometimes it gets linked. The change gets linked
to the office, into the environment, and clients
would forget to change it. They'd be great in
my office, but they're already great in my office,
but wouldn't necessarily be great outside.
However, when I work with clients inside their
environment most likely be in their home, potentially
at work, maybe at the cottage, even in their
car when they're not driving. As mentioned,
these are the environments where their problem is alive.
These are the environments where the problem
is triggered, where the problem is activated
all right when they're at home, all those triggers there.
Overeating. Overindulging. Over anxiety
and over chronic pain. Over medicating on some
kind of illicit substance. Over traumatizing.
This is where the problem is alive. So going
to the source of the problem, I.e in their home
and collapsing it, I E doing the change Work
The hypnosis in that environment, lets it become sticky.
The change becomes sticky. Stick to that
where the problem is most lit up. To use some
neuroscience in their neurology and thus could
help to collapse it in all areas of their life.
Because the thing in neuroscience is, in order
for something to be changed in your mind, it
needs to be activated. An example of this is
if you feel anxiety and you're just talking
about anxiety just logically like words with
this, but you're not feeling it, the likelihood
of any change happening at a neurological level,
brain plasticity level is very very low. Very, very low.
Indeed. However, when clients are hypervent,
like when clients are in an episode of Jonesing
in for their drug or anxiety for the thing, or
they're feeling that chronic pain, the neurology
in their brain, in their body is lit up. When
it's lit up, that's when we can start to make the shift.
And one of the best places to do that is when you're
already in your home, because all the triggers
are there anyways. So that's some of the benefits
of working with me online. And why now? Even
though the world has opened up again, I only
I only work with people online. I still potentially
could have offices out there and work with people
and charge them even more money to work one-on-one in person.
But I don't want to do it. I don't want to do it
because it's less effective. It's less effective.
I want to be the most effective agent of change
I can be for you, and I found the best way of doing
that is to collapse it in the environment where
it's alive, I.E your home. So those are the answers
and those are the reasons that I only do online
hypnosis and quite frankly why it is tremendously
successful and more success with clients and
shifting and changing over the COVID over
last four or so years than ever before. And I
was already successful and that's one of my
rationales behind it is. Again, we're destroying
the problem from the inside as opposed to being
in an office and looking at the problem on the
outside and wanting to shift it The best way
is almost like a Navy SEAL, OK? Don't know if
you know much about the Navy SEALS
The part, the arm of the American military that
essentially are underwater demolition experts.
What they need to do is they need to go under the water.
Need to go into the building, need to blow up
and plant a bunch of bombs, Centex land mines,
what have you to collapse the bombs. They don't
tend to be shooting bazookas or throwing hand grenades
at it and hoping it will explode. No, no, they're
putting the explosives in the environment
to collapse it. Working online helps to put the
Charges that we need in the environment to light
up the neurology so we can collapse your problem
once and for so you don't just feel good in my
office and then you leave and you don't feel
so good anymore. No, no, you feel good because
you're in your environment, you're in your
home, you're in your natural habitat, and we've
collapsed the monster or the building. That
is your problem from the inside out. So that's
why online hypnosis rules, and that's why I
only do that. Hope that answers some of your
questions, because I get that often. If you're
interested in receiving some hypnosis, some
help with me, You'll likely find a link either
above me or below me. It's free right now. Won't be forever.
Click on the link, book your screening call
and we can have a chat and I can see how I can help you.
Help yourself. I've been Luke Michael Howard
Clinical Hypnosis. Owner of Lukenosis Hypnosis
Always Believe,
Luke xXx