Luke Michael Howard clinical hypnotist and owner of Lukenosis hypnosis Here.
I Am "The Hypnotist" is the T-shirt says.

I've been involved in there change works now
for over 23 years and I work with people for a whole gamut of issues everything from different types of addictions to pains mental pains physical pains and all kinds of mental problems and habits that people have that they want to overcome
and I've helped many many people and you'll see some of the people that have helped below on this page are some videos and some testimonials or some lovely past clients,

But here's the thing before I work with anyone I have to find out a little bit more about you. So my program isn't simply show up on Monday and we work together because I need to know if we're going to be a good match for me for my business and also for you so you don't waste any time.

So the best way I've found about of doing this in the most efficient way is to have a screening call.

Sometimes we call it a strategy call because basically what it is It's a Free 30 to 40 minutes on the telephone with me. It's for me to find out a little bit more about you come into your world and find you what brought you to the dance so to speak.

What is your problem? What is your ailment? Why did you seek out counsel
and help from me and it's also an opportunity for me to answer any questions that you have about me and my work as it pertains to potentially helping you and we do that on the screening call.

It's very very important because every client is different and everyone I work with an every situation is a little bit.

So the easiest way to do that is simply click on the link below this video and it will bring you to my online schedule the simply just follow the instructions;


-You click what day you would like to speak to me.

-You choose the time you want to speak to me.

-Then you fill out a brief questionnaire.

It's really important that you fill out that quick survey because it helps best utilize our time and for me to make it very specific the call that we have for you and the answers that you answer on that questionnaire so it's a hundred percent geared towards you

Once you've booked in that day, that timeΒ  and filled out that questionnaire,
I get a notification and we'll booked on the screening call so we can both see if we'd be a good match in working together.

So I look forward to seeing you on the other side
and just click this link below to continue this journey

If you want to have a FREE chat with me to see if I can help,Β  you can schedule something here;

Always Believe,
Luke Michael Howard
Clinical Toronto Hypnosis

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