Mindset Monday #13


Hello, Hypnopunk here with your Mindset Monday. And today is all about this little fella, Love. You see I had this little fellow when I was little. It was my first Care Bear. Yes, I know it kind of takes the edge off this badass gimmick that I've got going on here but I remember when I was six or seven, maybe eight or nine, I had this Care Bear and it was Love-A-Lot Bear. And today's Mindset Monday is all about love. You see, love's the only reason for anything. It's the darkness. It's the light. It's the motivation.

There's a quote from "The Course in Miracles" that says there's only two real emotions out there, love and fear. And fear is just an illusion. The reason we do anything is for love...love of someone else, love of a loved one, a partner, a husband, a wife, our children, friendships, love of ourselves.

What do you love? What should you love? How can you love yourself more? How can you bring a Love-A-Lot Bear into your own heart, into your own life?

Always Believe,
Luke Michael Howard
Clinical Hypnotist

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