How Physical Really Pain Works 1/2

Pain might not be what you think it is. You see, all pain is real. Absolutely 100% real. And yet it's all in the head at the same time because pain is manufactured in the brain and appears wherever it's needed over the rest of the body. Pain is a response to a message that cells are damaged or about to be damaged. And so if we get too close to something that's really hot, we will feel pain. And as we move our hand away from it, the pain recedes because it hasn't caused any damage. But if we hadn't heard the message, we'd go deeper and deeper into the message and stayed in the powerful flame and actually caused damage and burns to ourselves. So pain actually arrives before there's any physical damage. It's manufactured in the brain to say, "Hey, move your fucking hands." You could prove this. Just take any part of your body with a little bit of loose skin, and just pinch it a little bit softly, and then harder and harder until it's more uncomfortable. And then let go. No pain left, right? Because it was saying, "If you carry on like that, that's gonna cause some damage, so let go of it." It went...there's no damage being caused, but I can feel that pressure but the pain's gone. There was pain at the time, but not right now so I can let it go. So pain comes along to tell us that there's damage happening or about to happen. And then usually, after a period of time, if there is damage, pain goes away again.

So the people that I help with the techniques that I use in hypnosis and change work, I help the people where the pain has stayed. So it's old pain. So why would pain stay if it's a message to tell you there's gonna be cell damage after the cells have healed? Because I've just told you and I just said that the pain goes away before the cell damage completely heals. I want you to imagine having a broken arm. If you've ever broken a leg or bone, just imagine that. And just remember how much it takes over everything in your life, your focus. You're dosed up on the way to the hospital. The pain overrides everything that's going on until you get to the hospital because even with something like a broken arm, there's a danger that you could die if you didn't have the pain because the bone could start cutting things inside, severing an artery or it could poke through the skin, it could go gangry, and without the pain you wouldn't do anything about it, and then you die.

So pain is a very necessary message to get something done and we do. So we go off to the hospital, we get an X-ray. Doctor sees it, sees the X-ray, and says, "Well, it's broken." And puts a plaster cast on it and we do that. And as soon as the plaster is holding it tight, that part of the body the pain starts to fade. It either disappears completely or it just drastically reduces because we've done everything we can, and seen a medical professional, so now the pain message that said, "Oh, there's a terrible feeling just happened there." Now says, "Well, there's nothing more we can do." And that can mend now. And when it mends, fixes, we take the plaster off, and you'll be back to as good as new. But just the muscles won't be as strong as they were because it hasn't been used for a while because the plaster was holding it in place.

Now imagine if you had a plaster that was on and the pain had to continue until the tissues were mended. Then how would you know if the bone wasn't setting properly? Because the pain...because the bone would have to give you pain to go back to the doctors to get it reassessed and without that pain, without that ability to feel that pain, because you're already in pain, you wouldn't know if the bone hadn't been separated and healed.

So pain is very clever. It knows when to go away because it knows when those tissues can heal themselves. And one of the big factors is when we're in pain, we tense up. So we get pain and then we tense up. Oh, I'm hurt. Oh, my shoulder, my back, my neck. I'm really hurt. Then we tie it up. And when that first happens, it's a really good thing that happens because it restricts blood flow to the area. Imagine a piece of meat if you squeezed until the blood came out, and you try getting that blood back in, and when it's still squeezed, you can't. So when we're tying up an area we prevent a lot of blood loss because the blood isn't able to get into it. But if we stay in pain, and stay in tension, and we stop the blood getting into that, and it doesn't heal as well. So the pain has to go, to allow the tension to go, to allow the blood to go, to allow the blood, to go back into the area.

So normally, we get tissue damage. I cut my finger. I get a bit of...a little bit of pain if it just needs a plaster. I get a lot of pain if it needs stitches. And if I try without having it stitched up when it needs to be, then it becomes even more painful because it hasn't healed so I have to have the stitches.

Now imagine a wound that's opened up...that's healing up, and there's a scab that's causing it to heal up, so it's not open up to fresh air and germ warfare, then it stops hurting. But it hasn't fully healed yet because it's still got scar tissue around it. And if you picked the scab off, the pain is back again. So we have pain to prevent us from tissue damage. We have the pain of telling us about the tissue damage, and to have something done about it, and we have the pain that's been going before the tissue has been repaired.

So the people that I typically see are the people where the pain has stayed long after. And when the pain has stayed, there's usually something that's holding onto that pain, and usually an emotional reason of some kind. Some people will believe because they've got a long term illness and the problem remains, that the pain needs to remain, and that's simply not true in most cases. For example, if you have a crumbling spine, and you have a pain in the area, and you've had a pain in the area and you've had it assessed, doctors, surgeons have seen you, you've had it scanned, X-rays, you've been to a specialist, and they're keeping an eye on it, and monitoring it, seeing if you need any extra help or support or an operation, pins put in or anything like that. So the actual original pain was to stay there until you get it diagnosed. And once you've been diagnosed and you know what it is, you don't need the pain because that pain's not helpful anymore because it's an old message that said, "We've damaged this part of you. Go and fix it." For some people, they might wanna hold on a little bit of the pain so they remember not to do anything stupid with that area of their body but for most people, when you turn off that part of them, they turn off that pain, so they remember when they were weak, but that old pain's gone, but that allows new pain to come in, that's actually real pain that lets them know in that moment, "Stop doing that, stupid."

Now but if you imagine what happens with a lot of people, imagine you have an 8 out of 10 pain in your back and you keep it for years, it will gradually get wider and wider and expand to a larger area and go to a more painful area. This will now encompass other parts of the pain...spine that are not damaged, but if they did become damaged, you wouldn't notice it anymore because this pain has spread to that area because you're already in pain at that level that it would need to show you that level that it's crumbling. So it's actually crazy to keep old pain messages that might mask new pain messages. And as long as you don't numb the area, then you're actually making it safer to be without pain than it would be with pain because of that new pain or the...that old pain masks the new pain appearing, you can actually be in danger.

So if you imagine your whole spine as complete 8 out of 10 pain, and a tumor comes along that has nothing to do with that, but it appears on your spine, and it's an 8 out of 10 already on your spine, you wouldn't know that tumor's there until it became that 9 out of 10 pain. Therefore, it'd probably be inoperable, easy for me to say, and fatal. So it's crazy to keep old pain. There's no purpose of it. And until now, although the body heals itself and it's very good at doing that, until now, if the body hasn't healed itself. We just had to accept the pain and the pain that goes with it. Yet we should look at why the body hasn't healed itself or has healed itself. Why do you still have the pain?

And so the old pain to go method that I use from Steve Blake that you obviously do need to be diagnosed with a doctor. It needs to be long enough that it should have healed by itself by now. Then what I do is actually talk to you. These practitioners, their practices talk to you, talk to your unconscious mind to get your body to respond in a way to let us know I need to carry on holding onto this because I have valid reason or it rethinks this, your body and says, "No. Actually there's no real good reason for me to carry on holding onto this pain." And the weirdest thing happens often time. The pain is let go in an instant.

Now this sounds too good to be true, but literally, I've seen this technique and heard about this technique and experienced using this technique on many, many clients now and seen work of other people who've been doing this for even longer than me and it's just gone. And it's crazy. It's almost like you don't believe it until you see it. It's almost too good to be true. So I do want you to check these processes out that you'll see on lying under old pain to go Steve Blake's method and the stuff that I do with it now as well.

And you can see all the reasons why it works because all we're doing is we're evoking a natural healing process that you've always enabled to do and able to do. It's something your body does naturally. It heals itself most of the time and sometimes it just needs a bit of tweaking, a little bit of a reminder to say, "Why are you still doing this?" And then it just changes. And it really is as simple as that. It is a talking process to get rid of physical pain and it works. It is quite incredible. So I know you'll probably be skeptical and I've never worked on somebody who wasn't a bit skeptical coming into this process. People that have been...have a huge amount of pain or fiber myalgia or arthritis for years yet it just disappeared. So skepticism is not a problem. A lot of the people that I work with were naturally skeptical when they come in. In fact, I'm skeptical about this work and yet it works most of the time, which is absolutely crazy. But it does work.

Stay tuned for part 2 next week. Same Luke Time, Same Luke Channel!

Always Believe,
Luke Michael Howard CHT
Clinical Hypnotist

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