Category Archives: Uncategorized

PODCAST #15 Why Suffering Can Be Good!

In this weeks episode we talk about Suffering. And why sometimes Suffering is actually good for you. Always Believe, Luke Michael Howard CHT Clinical Hypnotist "Stop Destructive Habits Today Permanently" Book your free Hypnotic screening call on: 613-878-5874 "Referrals​ are the biggest compliment you could give me" Email: Subscribe to my Youtube Channel:…
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PODCAST #14 New Years ResoLUKEtions

In this weeks episode New Years ResoLUKEtions! Why most people have broken them by the third week in January. And how you can prevent this from happening. Always Believe, Luke Michael Howard CHT Clinical Hypnotist "Stop Destructive Habits Today Permanently" Book your free Hypnotic screening call on: 613-878-5874 "Referrals​ are the biggest compliment you…
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Smoking and Hypnosis 2/2

So, it all comes to do you want to quit smoking. And can you? Absolutely, you can. But, hey, sometimes I've got clients who come into my office, and they said, "Well, yeah, you know, I've quit smoking before," "Oh, well, if you've quit smoking, why do you need to see me?" "Yeah, yeah, but…
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Smoking and Hypnosis 1/2

As a hypnotist, as a change artist, probably about 25-50% of the clients that I see come in because they want to quit smoking. They come in with this belief that smoking is physiologically addictive, that they're addicted to it. And why do people believe this? Why may you believe that cigarettes are physiologically addictive?…
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