Category Archives: Hypnosis

Mindset Monday #1

"YOU'RE THINKING THE THOUGHT" Hello. I'm Luke Michael Howard, clinical hypnotist and owner of LUKEnosis Hypnosis, here starting a new video series for you each and every Monday called "Mindset Monday." It's a minute of information on how to improve your mindset each Monday, and today's technique is simply this. Whenever you're having a thought,…
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Street Hypnosis In Toronto 2/2

In your local area certain times of year when you know it's gonna be a happy, rowdy crowd whether that be Thanksgiving if you're in North America, whether that be Christmas, whether that be New Year's, whether it be Halloween. It's a great time to go out there where people are in quite in high…
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Street Hypnosis In Toronto 1/2

Street hypnosis it brings up some controversy in some people's minds, other people's mind it's a right laugh, we'll have a lot of fun doing it. What we'll find is...And I do all three of these forms of hypnosis. But you tend to find hypnotists go into one of three camps, they'll be the stage…
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What Is Hypnosis? 2/2

When it was game day, when there were multiple millions of dollars on the line in sponsorship money, in prize money and the accolades have been the bestest golf player in the world, at that time, at that day, when it came to perform, he was no longer working consciously because he'd drilled it over…
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