Number six, we're entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. So you know how I feel about God. Listen, if you're religious, fine. If you're not religious, that means you can't ever be healed because you don't believe in God. And if you are a Scientologist you can't be healed because…
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So as I get off my soapbox now, I believe it's nurture, but I also believe that it being nurture, it being nurture means that you have some level of control of it. No, I don't know if that's true. I can't prove it, but you can't prove to me it's nature either. And when…
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Addictions of all kinds, whether that be addiction to cigarettes, addiction to alcohol, crack, heroin, crystal meth, love, affection, obsessive compulsive thoughts, whatever our addictions are. And listen, no one gets off free. You might be all, "I have no addictions. Oh, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, hire hookers. I do none of that.…
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