As a hypnotist, as a change artist, probably about 25-50% of the clients that I see come in because they want to quit smoking. They come in with this belief that smoking is physiologically addictive, that they're addicted to it. And why do people believe this? Why may you believe that cigarettes are physiologically addictive?…
Read morePODCAST #13 Victimization VS Self Belief
In this weeks episode I talk about the BIGGEST Victimization VS Self Belief I've ever seen with clients "Victimization" How its the root of all your problems and what the antidote is! Always Believe, Luke Michael Howard CHT Clinical Hypnotist "Stop Destructive Habits Today Permanently" Book your free Hypnotic screening call on: 613-878-5874 "Referrals…
Read moreHypnosis and Weight Loss 2/2
The four rules to weight release. I said I'll catch myself sometimes messing up here and saying weight loss, but weight release it is. Number one, when you're hungry, eat, and I mean tummy hungry, not head hungry. How do you know the difference? Well, when was the last time you truly felt tummy hungry,…
Read morePODCAST #12 Negative Emotions
In this weeks episode I talk about Negative Emotions such as the BIG 4 Anger, Sadness, Fear Guilt/Shame. How they are the corner stones to most problems and need to be cleared. Always Believe, Luke Michael Howard CHT Clinical Hypnotist "Stop Destructive Habits Today Permanently" Book your free Hypnotic screening call on: 613-878-5874 "Referrals…
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