
What Are Your Power Symbols? 1/2

So, symbol are symbols. Well, symbols are anything, anything that represent something else to you. They're almost like a normalization of a process, if you will, to use an LP terminology. What do I mean by that? Now, if you are religious, then you are a Christian, and you have a cross, then when you…
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PODCAST #45 Fake News & Social Media Lynch Mobs

In this weeks episode we explore; - Is the news we consume Real or Fake? - How we're being Brainwashed by the Media! - How people need to use Critical Thinking to decipher the Truth! And much more... Remember to Like, Share and Comment :) Always Believe, Luke Michael Howard CHT Clinical Hypnotist "Changing Thoughts…
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5 Ways To Unstick Addictions

I'm going to show five ways to interrupt, to overcome cravings, whatever they may be. First one is bilateral stimulation. Now this technique involves stimulating both sides of the brain to stop anxiety. And I tend to think that when people are addicted to things it's because cravings seem to act like anxiety in the…
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New Studies In Addiction 2/2

Perhaps it was a type of music you listen to. When I was young, there was a type of music I used to listen to. I used to listen to KISS. I used to enjoy the music of KISS. And as I grew up and matured and my taste got better, I no longer listen…
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