Recent Posts by Luke Howard CHT

Change Is Fast

  Luke Michael Howard, Clinical Hypnotist and owner of Lukenosis Hypnosis,, here. Today's video is all about change and how quickly or slowly it can take. My question to you is how long does it take to change? Is it a long arduous process that takes forever and a day and maybe it never…
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Mindset Monday #22

"Spotting Fakers!" [embed][/embed]   Hello, it's Luke Michael Howard, aka the HypnoPunk with your Mindset Monday here in New Year's Evil, and today's episode is all about spotting fakers. There's an awful lot of fakers out there that will present themselves to you in such a way, a shape or a fashion, they may look…
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Hello, Luke Michael Howard, clinical hypnotist and owner of Lukenosis Hypnosis here. And today, I wanna answer a question that I get quite a lot actually over the last year or so. Is hypnosis good for children?And the answer is yes. Children, certainly below the age of five, are a little hypnosis machine, some people…
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Mindset Monday #21

"The Real Test!" [embed][/embed] Hello. It's Luke Michael Howard AKA the Hypnopunk from Lukenosis Hypnosis here with your Mindset Monday. It is Christmas Eve today. The time where we'll be spending a lot of time with perhaps our families, perhaps close friends, partners, and it could be a lovely one full-time. It could also could…
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