Recent Posts by Luke Howard CHT

The Different Parts Of You

  Often people will call me up and now they'll have an issue, for example, they'll be a smoker and they'll say, "Well listen, Luke, on one hand, I know I really wanna quit smoking, that's why I'm calling you. So I'm ready to invest the time and money and become a nonsmoker. Yet on…
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Mindset Monday #24

"Let Bad People Go!!" [embed][/embed] Luke Michael Howard: Hello, Luke Michael Howard here, aka the HypnoPunk with your Mindset Monday. And today's episode is about letting go. Sometimes, unfortunately, life, it comes to a point where we just simply need to let things go, we need to let addictions go, we need to let old…
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I Haven’t Smoked In 2 Weeks!

[video width="1280" height="1280" mp4=""][/video]   "Hello! My name is Fabio. I've been a smoker for a long time, I stopped for a long time, then it came back. Found out about Luke through a referral through a friend, then went to a doctor and I got a referral. My experience so far is amazing. I…
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Mindset Monday #23

"Lightness Vs Darkness!" [embed][/embed] HypnoPunk a.k.a. Luke Michael Howard here with your Mindset Monday. And today is all about light. There is so much darkness out there. I see it on a day to day basis. And it will try and eat you alive. It will try and eat you up. But you got to…
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