Recent Posts by Luke Howard CHT

Success Mindsets Intro

(If you prefer to watch the video instead scroll down) What I want to share with you today is some of the success mindset that the most successful people and clients I know operate from, whether they're aware of it or not. Now, I'm not actually saying these beliefs are true, they might not be…
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PODCAST #5 Beginning In Hypnosis

Today I Interview New Hypnotist Jen and find out the journey she is taking as a new change practitioner. "Stop Destructive Habits Today" Book your free Hypnotic screening call on: 613-878-5874 "Referrals​ are the biggest compliment you could give me" Email: Subscribe to my Youtube Channel: Follow me on Twitter: Facebook…
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PODCAST #4 Success Mindsets

Today we discuss The top 4 Mindsets or Frames if you will for success in all forms of life. "Stop Destructive Habits Today" Book your free Hypnotic screening call on: 613-878-5874 "Referrals​ are the biggest compliment you could give me" Email: Subscribe to my Youtube Channel: Follow me on Twitter: Facebook…
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PODCAST #3 Smoking

Today we discuss why nicotine is not not physically addictive. And how the media has lied to you since World War 2 to sell you cigarettes. "Stop Destructive Habits Today" Book your free Hypnotic screening call on: 613-878-5874 "Referrals​ are the biggest compliment you could give me" Email: Subscribe to my Youtube Channel:…
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