Recent Posts by Luke Howard CHT

Responsibility for Results

[caption id="attachment_2920" align="alignnone" width="300"] (If you prefer you can just watch the video and scroll down) Now, who is responsible for the results that you get? I think you probably know the answer for that from what I've already been saying in the other videos leading up to this and the other success mindsets. But…
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PODCAST #9 How To Do Mindfulness?

There's alot of talk about "Mindfulness" now but nobody actually tells you how to do it. Until now! Remember to Like, Share and Comment :) Always Believe, Luke Michael Howard CHT Clinical Hypnotist "Stop Destructive Habits Today" Book your free Hypnotic screening call on: 613-878-5874 "Referrals​ are the biggest compliment you could give me"…
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PODCAST #8 What’s Your Story?

How the stories we tell ourselves inside our head can keep us trapped and limited and how you change change them today! Remember to Like, Share and Comment :) Always Believe, Luke Michael Howard CHD Clinical Hypnotist "Stop Destructive Habits Today" Book your free Hypnotic screening call on: 613-878-5874 "Referrals​ are the biggest compliment…
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Perception is Projection

(If you prefer you can just watch the video and scroll down) This comes from the work of Carl Jung. Now, what Carl Jung actually said was "Everything that you perceive outside of you, situations, circumstances, events, people, etc., are all a projection from inside of you." He said that as soon as you become…
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