6 Step Tapping For Anything


Hello, Clinical Hypnotist and owner of Lukenosis Hypnosis, Luke Michael Howard here, and you're probably watching this video because you're one of my clients and I'm sharing aftercare techniques with you that we covered in the session. If you're not one of my clients, you're about to learn an amazing technique to banish stress, to banish anxiety, to control hunger, anger, physical pain, emotional pain, just about anything. This technique is very, very powerful. It's called the six-step tapping. There are many different forms of tapping modalities out there.

Tapping is essentially comes from originally using Asian medicine, Oriental Medicine, acupressure points if you will to tap certain blockages. I know it seemed like nonsense but when you use it, you'll see how powerful it is. I've had clients have physical pain on a scale of 9 or 10 out of 10 use this technique and get it all the way down to 0, for reals. I've also had clients that were in the middle of a panic attack use this technique and bought that panic attack all the way down, clients that have uncontrollable cravings for cigarettes use this same technique to knock that cigarette craving on its ass. So it's very, very simple. Let me take you through.

As always, where the problem is, insert the name here, whether it's a craving, whether it's a physical pain, whether it's an emotion that's too intense that you don't wanna feel, you label it. So for example, I'm just gonna label this craving now. I've got a craving for sugar. Okay, insert your problem here. Scale it, 0 to 10. Ten is big problem, zero is not a problem at all. You got the label of what you're calling it and you've got the intensity or suds subjective units of distressed 0 to 10. That's all you need. Now what you're gonna do is you're gonna get your hand or three fingers of either hand and you're simply gonna tap the crown of your head like so. And as you tap the crown of your head like so, you're simply gonna say after me, "I release and let go of my craving." Insert your issue there. "I release and let go of this craving. I release and let go of that craving."

Next up, you tap above either eyebrow and you say, "I release and let go of my craving. I release and let go of this craving. I release and let go of that craving. Now, to the side of your eyes, "I release and let go of my craving. I release and let go of this craving. I release and let go of that craving." Underneath your eye now, "I release and let go of my craving. I release and let go of this craving. I release and let go of that craving." Now your solar plexus, "I release and let go of my craving. I release and let go of this craving. I release and let go of that craving."

Now, with you left hand, grab your wrist nice and tight. Take a big deep tummy breath in, hold. I'll take twice as long to breathe out. As you continue to hold your wrist, you can let it relax on your lap. Now check in with yourself. One of three things will have happened, that craving, that negative emotion, that physical or emotional pain would have gone from whatever the number is all the way down to zero. In which case you're done. Congratulations. Number two, it drops down radically, but there's still some intensity left. Do another round of it. Very simple. Watch this video. Again, simple. Let's make these techniques as simple as possible. There's a lot of neuroscience that goes into them.

Third, is it only dropped by two in which case it's still going in the right direction? You might need to run this pattern a couple of times in order to give yourself more control. So do watch this video again and it's a very, very powerful technique. I've used it from everyone from heroin addicts all the way to people that were addicted or believe they were addicted to sugar and everyone in between, and people just can't help but say enough good things about this technique. I've been Luke Michael Howard, Clinical Hypnotist, and owner Lukenosis Hypnosis. Always believe.

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